Veganism Is a Way of Life


Being vegan means not only a healthy diet. It is also a choice not to contribute to the cruel business with animals. I believe if the slaughterhouses had walls made of glass and were situated in the centres of towns people would never eat meat. The cruelty with which animals are bread, treated, and slaughtered is alarming. I also do believe that people would never eat lamb, chicken, veal, pork and other meat if they had to kill the animal themselves.

Animals are mostly bread in tiny spaces and treated like robots for meat, milk, and an egg production. All animals are given antibiotics and other chemicals to be more productive. Cows who could live 20 or 25 years naturally live only about 5 years as they are exhausted of continuous pregnancies to produce milk. Calves are taken away from their mothers soon not to drink the milk that’s for sale. Male calves are killed for meat soon, as they are considered useless.

Pigs are forced to live in very small space in farms. When the piglets are 10 days, they are separated from their mothers. The mothers are immediately impregnated again. The cycle goes on and on until the exhausted mothers are 3 – 4 years old and slaughtered then.

Hundreds of millions male chicks are minced up alive annually in the world by egg hatcheries or suffocated for they are considered useless. Hens would naturally lay about 10 -15 eggs per year. But people interfere in their natural cycle and hens produce about 300 eggs per year. Exhausted hens are sent to be slaughtered when they are two years old.

Bees make their honey for themselves. It’s their source of energy. It’s their food. Their health can be in danger when honey is taken by people. Honey also provides essential nutrients during cold and wet weather and during the winter. Queen bees often have their wings clipped by beekeepers not to leave the hive to produce a new colony somewhere else.

And have you ever thought what’s behind your favourite wool sweater or your beautiful cashmere scarf? Have you ever seen brutal sheep or llamas shearing, in person or on youtube? The machinery of meat industry uses also animals’ skin after the animals are slaughtered.

As we all know shoes, coats, bags, and even furniture are made of animals’ skin. Zebras, bizones, kangarros, elephants, crocodiles, alligators, ostriches, lizards, turtles and snakes are hunted and killed for their skin, and most of them for their flesh too.

What about beautiful pearls? Do you think they are found lying on the beach? No. People kill animals to get pearls. Pearls grow in oysters. There are farms producing pearls in China, the Seychelles, French Polynesia, and other countries.

 Animals cannot protect themselves from the exploitation and slaughter. Only you can protect them by going vegan and telling your family, friends, and colleagues about the truth behind the meat industry, about veganism and why you decided to become a vegan.

Animals are not different from people. They have come to this world with the same intention as us – people – to enjoy life on the planet Earth. Animals have their families and their relationships. They have their thoughts, feelings, and emotions.


Vegans do not wear anything that could contain any part of an animal. Vegans wear clothes, shoes, and accessories made of organic cotton, flax, bamboo, hemp, acrylic, plastic bottles, wood pulp, and even sea weed. Vegans use vegan cosmetics products that do not contain animal-derived ingredients and are not tested on animals.

A movie DOMINION made by Chris Delforce, narrated by Joaquin Phoenix, Rooney Mara, Sadie Sink Sia and Kat von D. tells the truth behind the meat industry. Please, watch it on youtube and share it.




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